Case study – Buffaload Logistics, Ellington

Case study – Lighting impact assessment
Scheme – Buffaload Logistics depot, Ellington, PE28 0DA
Local Authority – Huntingdon Council
Division – Transportation

In 2018 MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd were commissioned by Buffaload Logistics to carry out a lighting impact assessment of their haulage and distribution depot in Ellington, Huntingdon. The purpose of the lighting impact assessment was to produce a report on the existing lighting on site and any spill light that falls from the site.

To compile the lighting impact assessment report, we firstly arranged for our lighting engineer to visit the depot at night to obtain light level readings of within/outside the site, survey the existing lighting and generally compile enough information to enable the desk top exercises to commence back at our offices. The site was visited, during both daytime and night-time conditions, to assess the general ambiance from the site itself. The extent of the survey initially comprised a walk around the site and site boundary, visually inspecting the external condition of all the installed existing lighting equipment.

The daytime survey was to identify the types of luminaires utilised to illuminate the Buffaload Logistics site and near the site access. Following the above, a series of illuminance lux levels were measured at night-time, recordings were taken at various points where illuminance levels were recorded generally between 0.00 lux and 27 lux within the depot and around the perimeter. The lighting impact assessment document was produced to include the on site reading, relevant images and lighting reality calculations to prove the values we found on site to be reliable and consistent.

A report was prepared to assess the existing lighting on site and any light spill outside of the site. The lighting assessment includes information on the baseline lighting conditions within the area and considers possible mitigation measures to reduce potential light spill into neighbouring properties and ecology receptors, upward light (which can create sky glow) and visual source intensity (glare).

Below is a sample of the on site readings taken at the sensitive receptor points and isolux contour plots included within the report:-

To contact MMA Lighting Consultancy about how we can assist with your projects and if you specifically require a lighting impact assessment consultant please click the below link and one of our engineers will get back to you as quickly as possible.


Telephone: 0118 321 5636