Case study – A14 Junction 47 Woolpit, S278 lighting

Case study – Section 278 lighting design
Scheme – A14 Junction 47 – Woolpit, Suffolk
Local Authority – National Highways
Division – Residential

In February 2023 MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd were commissioned by Hopkin Homes to design an adoptable section 278 lighting design for the approval and adoption of National Highways. The A14 runs from Catthorpe Interchange near Rugby to Felixstowe and is a primary trunk route from the midlands to the eastern edge of Suffolk.

Hopkins Homes are required by National Highways and Suffolk County Council to upgrade and improve the lighting at Junction 47 of the A14, The Suffolk County Council element of the design was produced by others and MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd were invited to produce a detailed lighting design for the on and off slip roads from the A14 to the large roundabout.

National Highways provided a lighting design guide including their standard requirements. This would then be used by the MMA Lighting Consultancy design team to create a specification which matched their requirements to ensure that Hopkins Homes would have a lighting installation that would be eventually adopted by the Local Authority.

Due to the speed of the road, and using the Institution Lighting Professionals flow chart guidance documents, it was determined at the pre design stage that a passive safe lighting design would be required.

All MMA Lighting Consultancy street lighting designs are submitted with a lighting schedule, risk assessment packs and a design methodology document. As this scheme was a detailed S278 lighting design with a street lighting private cable network, feeder pillar schematics and cable calculations (BS7671 cable calculations) were also supplied with the CAD drawings and lighting calculations.

The lighting design was carried out using National Highways standard specification to create a passive safe street lighting design with Philips LED lanterns. LED’s have a lamp life of up to 100k hours of operation meaning reduced cyclic maintenance visits would be required a reduction in the overall energy costs for the Local Authority and using the council approved Lucy Zodion CMS system with the latest technology LED lanterns, far less maintenance visits would be required.

To contact MMA Lighting Consultancy about how we can assist with your projects and if you specifically require a section 38, section 278 or private lighting design please follow one of the below links and one of our engineers will get back to you as quickly as possible.

MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd specialise in highway lighting design across the UK.


Telephone: 0118 321 5636