For many years now MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd have been successful in helping customers gain full planning permission on housing development sites. We specialise in helping our customers discharge specific street lighting related planning conditions.
If you are involved in gaining planning permission on a housing development, and have a planning condition that looks similar to the one detailed below, then we can be of assistance in helping you to discharge the condition:-
By paying very close attention to the items detailed in the planning condition, we will produce a lighting design solution that is individually tailored to suit the site in question whilst meeting all the requirements set out in the planning condition.
Whilst working on these individual projects we will always ensure that we adhere to the current British and European Standards such as BS 5489-1:2013 and BS EN 13201-2. Published guidelines from the Institute of Lighting Professionals will also be followed closely along with your local authority’s standard detailed specification to ensure that your planning condition is successfully discharged.
Our street lighting designs include the following but can also be tailored to suit our customer’s individual needs and anything specifically outlined in a planning condition received:-
⦁ Carry out full ‘Site Survey’ (if site is subject to a Section 278 Agreement)
⦁ Prepare and provide ‘Area’ and ‘Road’ lighting calculations (Lighting Reality)
⦁ Vertical Illuminance calculations if required (Lighting Reality)
⦁ Provide site specific drawings including Isolux contours (AutoCAD)
⦁ Site clearance included on drawing provided (AutoCAD)
⦁ Documentation detailing lighting category selection process and mitigation strategy aimed at discharging the planning condition(PDF Format)
⦁ CDM Risk Assessments (PDF Format)
⦁ Electrical service connection information (PDF Format)
⦁ Full cable calculations to the latest wiring regulations (if applicable)
Additional websites and reference documents that may be of assistance when dealing with ecological sensitive sites are detailed below:-
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If you would like to discuss your street lighting design project or development site with us, then please feel free to give us a call on 0118 321 5636. We will be more than happy to talk through the best lighting design approach and hopefully work with you to assist in gaining full planning permission and discharging your planning condition. Alternatively please send your enquiry to and we will get back to you as quickly as we possibly can.